At the Hewlett child slave labor summer camp-we start them off young. Chad had the kids working up a good sweat today cleaning the van, but don't worry , if they were cleaning in the wrong spot, he would spray them with the hose. They all got soaked, the van got clean and then the storm clouds rolled in.
It hasn't started raining yet, but there has been thunder and lightening threatening ever since they finished. Klamath Falls typicaly gets 300 days of sunshine-wouldn't you know it, on one of the hottest days yet-Chad decides to clean the car, then Mother Nature decides, that today will be one of the 65 days that it rains or snows.
Isn't it ironic, don't you think?-A little Alanis throwback for ya'll.

We also went and watched Wall-E today-cute show, but...Topher kept screaming Wall-E the whole time just the way that the little robot says it on the preview, which the first couple times, I'm sure people thought was cute, maybe even a little endearing-by about 45 minutes in, I'm sure they were thinking murderous thoughts towards the parents of the once cute, but now annoying 2 year old boy sitting and yelling in the middle of the theatre.
Isn't it amazing how those kinds of parents can block out their own child and still enjoy the movie, while everyone else is miserable? Feel free to throw handfuls of your 2 ton $10 bag of popcorn at me throughout the movie and dump the remains of your $8 super extra large soda on my head as you walk out of the theatre.
I don't think I'd be surprised and I sure wouldn't blame ya, if you did!