Sunday, January 14, 2007

Chad turns 29...again?

Sunday-Chad had his 34th birthday-which we are all still having to figure out the math on how he really is that old! Doesn't look a day over 28, the age he was when I married this hunk! My mom made him a delicious carniverous meal of steak, greens, potatoes, biscuits and spinach. Then for his 'cake' there was brownies with frosting, rice pudding and of course vanilla ice cream, (I know he's got dull taste in ice cream, but look at his wife! His taste can't be all that dull!) He got a couple new games to play and a brake calliper thing-a-mabob, that he was really excited about, but I haven't a clue what it's for. He got all the Superman DVDs from me, (that's what he wanted, I know, dull, right? Maybe I'm not as exciting as I thought I was, or maybe I am all the excitement this old man can handle!) Happy Birthday Honey, I Love You!

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