Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Not Ready for this!

My kids sure are though! SNOW! I guess we are destined to get a LOT of it here in KFalls from what we hear! This time of year is when I will miss Portland more than usual....
Bekah was beyond ecstatic! She can't wait to build a snowman, and was content to play out in the cold wet stuff for hours on end.I am one of those who likes to visit snow. Keep it in the mountains where it belongs! I am not a huge fan of the cold and having to go out to warm up my car, so I don't freeze solid to the leather in the bitter cold of morning is sooooo not my idea of a good time. At least the kids had a good time-I stood outside for about 3.5 seconds snapping pictures before rushing back into the warmth of the house-while they seriously were out there for a couple of hours. Crazy kids!On the other hand-I am ready for THIS!
And FINALLY so is he! We have had many a false start at this whole potty training thing-but he had been pretty dang good the last couple of days-only a couple of accidents thus far, and he hates when he does. He doesn't like the feeling of soggy underpants-that's right, no pullups-straight to underwear!
This picture of him on the potty, I am sure will bring him great joy when he gets older to know that it is on the world wide web-so while I am embarassing him-I might as well post this as well-him getting 'ready' to go outside with sis....
Man I love that kid!

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