Not me.
Well maybe a little.
But this is about a literal baby hunger.
Porter loves babies right now.
He attacks them, knocks them over and tries to eat their faces.
He's actually just trying to give them kisses, but the babies don't know that.
They are scared for their lives when they see him coming...and once he sees a baby, he gets there fast.
Yesterday when we left the park, leaving several babies covered in Porter drool with terrified looks on their faces, clinging to their disgruntled mama's a thought occurred to me, that hadn't before.
Maybe Porter would like to play with a doll.
I went through Bekah's baby stuff and tried to find the most masculine looking baby, and baby stuff, so Porter could play daddy.
He absolutely has loved it! He feeds the baby bottles, kisses his face, squeezes him, pats him, gives him a toy, covers him in a blanket, and even pushes him around in the stroller.
He's not walking quite on his own yet, but I think this will help get him there.
He even tried to give his baby a little mixed drink.
I'm hoping this will curb his appetite a bit for the real thing until some of those babies he loves so much get a little they can handle all the love he wants to give them.
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