Wednesday, March 26, 2014


One of my favorite milestones is when my babies start understanding what I am saying. 
The other day I was talking to Chad on the phone when he was leaving school, I told Porter that Daddy was on his way home.
He quickly crawled over to the couch, and climbed up to the window.
Porter is my daddy's boy. 
They just have a special bond, and have had one, since I brought Porter home from the hospital.
Chad has been going to school now for just over a week and Porter has been an even bigger stinker than usual, and just clings to Chad when he comes home.
He sat there and waited and waited and pounded on the window saying dad dad dad.
It was so cute, I had to take some pictures.
It's understandable why he loves and misses his daddy so much-he is pretty fantastic.
I just love that he understands me now, it is fun to see his face light up when I talk to him about things.

One other thing he understands is Albertsons Bakery. 
It is rather funny, but obnoxious, every time we go in, he gets all excited and starts grunting like a caveman and pointing in the direction of the bakery. 
I take the kids over and the older ones ask politely for a cookie, and this little cute monster baby sticks out his hand-yells "COOOOOOKKKKIE!!!!" and then yells "arrrrrrrrr" until the baker hands him one. 
Then he smiles sweetly and stuffs his face.

The lady thinks he's so adorable...he is...but I am trying to teach him to not scream for things and to say please and thank you (which he can-he just chooses to scream instead).
Understandable-he gets his way a lot quicker with everyone but me, by screaming his desires.
See I told you he understands.

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