Thursday, June 26, 2008

Good to be Home

We drove home on Sunday, and it was miserable for me. I have had a sinus headache ever since. I am starting to feel a little better today and that is why I was able to post all these millions of posts. Exaggerating? Not much!
Monday night we had family home evening on why there must be opposition in all things, and I felt like we all learned so much-the older kids are still talking about the 12 ways to overcome hardships that were in a talk by Ezra Taft Benson. I just want to list them because they are all so good.
  1. Repentance
  2. Prayer
  3. Service
  4. Work
  5. Health
  6. Reading
  7. Blessings
  8. Fasting
  9. Friends
  10. Music
  11. Endurance
  12. Goals
If you want to read his talk-it is excellent and it is here.
We made journals for the craft and everyone did an excellent job with NO help from parents. Seriously-I just laid out a bunch of stickers and stuff and stuff to glue to the front of a plain old notebook covered in the paper of their choice.Topher's, mine and Chad's-Topher's is a little girly-but still-how good is that for a 2 year old?

Zach's, Ryeleigh's and Bekah's. I think Bekah's is my favorite-so much going on and her cute little name tag at the bottom-she is so cute and creative!
On a much sadder note: I just want to let my dear friends Mike and Debbie McKinzie know how much I love them and how they will be in our prayers to overcome this difficult time. They lost their only son, who was 18. this week, and I can't even imagine how they must be feeling-so please remember them in your prayers that they will have strength to get through this.

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