Friday, December 11, 2009

And it was a thing of perfection...

My dream is to have that tree that looks like something out of a magazine-with matching ornaments, all the branches at perfect intervals down the trunk-all symetrical like....
But then I wouldn't have these memories....
My kids all gathered around our cut down tree, finding ornaments from years past...
The baby placing the star on top of the tree...You know he really didn't put the star on top right? Chad put it on top, and I took a picture of him taking it off-he is destructo-baby after all-but it looks like he did do something to contribute besides pulling the ornaments off and breaking a couple huh?
Then of course, if we had the magazine tree, I wouldn't get to come back in after the kids lost interest and space out all the ornaments that were placed in 3 large clumps around the bottom of the tree.And where's the fun in that?
I have a feeling that until the kids are grown, and maybe even after that, my dream of the magazine tree is out of the question-but that doesn't mean we don't always have the perfect tree.


Julie Fox said...

You have made me a very happy Grandma :-)
Now, can you get Toshya and Tabitha to post once in a while?

Craig, Toshya and Mckayla Holley said...

I love this, but honestly you make us look even worse miss blog master you!