Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bekah's Baptism

February 4th was a very special day that we won't forget anytime soon. 
Our sweet baby girl made the decision to get baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She was so lucky to have her amazing daddy be the Priesthood holder who was able to perform these blessings for her.

Her grandma's were both able to come, so it was really special for her...and for the rest of us!
 I have the absolute BEST friends on the planet who drove out to support us on this fun weekend. Sara, Carissa, Jaime, Cathy and April-you rock. Literally. Love each and every one of your cute faces.
 Right before the dunk we were able to get a couple pics with Bekah and her daddy. Obligatory.

And how cute are these friends of hers who drove out with their mommies to be a part of this special day? I know this just made it such an incredible experience for her and she loves these friends as much as I love their moms. Ann, Theo, Raegan, Phoebe and Ellie...thanks for being exactly the kinds of friends that I have always wanted for my daughter, she is so lucky.

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