Sunday, August 12, 2007

May all your wildest dreams come true

WHOOO HOOOO! I am married to a college graduate! (No, not John Heder, I don't have a picture of Chad in college graduating gear, since he didn't have a formal ceremony. The picture above is strictly eye candy). Chad completed his final project today and now has his Associates in Accounting! When I married Chad, he didn't think he'd ever go to college. When we decided to move to Oregon, he decided to go for it while we had a place rent free. He worked so hard-we are all so excited for him. I'm so proud of my hubby, and he's not done gettin' smarter yet! He starts on his Bachelors of Business and Finance on September 4, and we'll see where he goes from there!

Good job babe-may all your wildest dreams come true!

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