Thursday, October 2, 2008


I have been working on a project this week of documenting our lives through photos, from a challenge from Ali. Taking pictures of the mundane and everyday things we do. I started on Monday and have been pretty diligent in doing this thus far. It's been a good week to do this, since we have started a new schedule with Chad starting school and all-so it will be fun to look back in a couple months and see how our "schedule" has changed.
Today was Thursday-Thursday are Chad's lab days, and I had errands to run, so I took him to his lab after his math class and started my errands, I was leaving the library when the car wouldn't start. I don't have that funny of a story to go along with this-because my friend was just up the street and saved us, (thank you again SO MUCH April), but if you want to read a funny 'car won't start story' than you will want to check out Jason's story here. Turns out mine was just a loose bolt and Chad and April's husband Jason were able to fix it within minutes. So no biggie.
We spent the afternoon at the Appah's house playing and hanging out. Topher fell down her very steep stairs and about gave me a heart attack. He's fine, but the thoughts of what could have happened make me shudder still. It rained today-which was such a nice reminder of Portland-we miss the weather there...Bekah loves her new friend Phoebe...And Porter is super smiley and cute lately.Topher got a new coat today and he got some new cowboy boots the other day that he would sleep in if I let him.I had my first homemade pumpkin steamer of the season...yum!
Edit: I have been asked how to make these-super easy and just as yummy as Starbucks version-because this is how they do it-I know one of the Starbucks big whigs-and he let me in on the secret-It's just warm milk and Torani Pumpkin Syrup. It's best if it's whipped like they do at Starbucks, we have a cocoa latte that whips them up nice, but you can also just heat up the milk and syrup on the stove with a whisk until frothy. Add some whip cream to the top, dust with cocoa or something else yummy if you want and enjoy-Super simple eh? (You can just do it to taste; but to get it like the ones you buy-it's about a tablespoon and a half of syrup to a cup of milk).
Don't have Torani Pumpkin Syrup? You can buy it at World Market, and other such stores, but if you can't find it-Chad bought me a bunch of different flavors on their website. They also have a gingerbread syrup so you can make gingerbread steamers come Christmas time, Chad loves the eggnog steamers. So pick your fave flavors and go crazy, and lower your Starbucks tab!
I will be finishing up my documentation on Sunday and then next week I am going to put it all together and posting it on my scrapbook blog. I think it will be fun to look back at, and then after I am done with this I am going to go back to doing my daily somethings.
Here is a funny pic of Topher yesterday, after our walk he wanted to check the mail-note the boots, even with shorts...Such a boy!
PSThere is still time to become a "Follower" of this blog for this month's giveaway-just look at the sidebar on the right. Click on "FOLLOW THIS BLOG" and then you will be entered in. Super Easy Lemon Squeezy

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