This kids is 6 months old! He has his 2 bottom teeth (got those babies for Christmas-actually 2 days after, but close enough!) and is working like crazy to get those 2 toppers!
He loves to play with his toys , roll all over the place and watch his family. He wants everyone to be in the same place where he can see us all. If someone walks into the room and then he sees them walk out-he throws a fit! Because of that, me putting him in his bed and walking away during nap and sleep time is not working too well anymore, unless I can get him distracted enough with his mobile, while I slip out.

He is sitting up in the tub now (and everywhere else-so bye bye-swing and bouncy chair). He is loving eating solid foods, and loves playing with his food as well, which is apparent by the following picture of sweet potatoes on his head!

He loves it when his brother and sister play with him-he doesn't care what they do, as long as they are having a good time so is he. I've caught Bekah just tickling him rather hard thinking a fit is coming on and he will just be squealing with delight. Topher likes to put stuff on him and laugh at him-like the washcloths in the tub.

He'll be crawling and soon walking before we know it, if he is anything like big bro and sis-we'll have a little walker here before summer starts! Yikes! It goes by faster and faster with each one, doesn't it?
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