Sunday, January 4, 2009

Santa came, left and came again!

Typical. I take a whole lot more pictures of random every day things then the Holidays and special occasions. My kids had a great loot from Santa this year at our house-Topher got his train table (with a train set) and some new trains for his Geo Trax set-the kid is in choo choo bliss right now.Porter got a jumperoo-which he is loving-and mom too-a few more minutes to get stuff done while he jumps and plays!
Bekah got the camera she asked for,and has become the official Hewlett family photographer, I might need to download her pictures and see if there are any shots I can steal, since she is a lot better at having it with her at all times. I'd say they are pretty excited that Santa came, wouldn't you? Then we went to Grandma's where we did it all over! The kids got spoiled and so did Chad & I with Wii games and other fun stuff-but then the big surprise...A KitchenAid! We were both so excited, we have both wanted one for so long, but could never justify it- my mom rocks! We all got so much, I won't bore you with our spoils-but that is what we got-spoiled!

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