Sweet 16 and Never Been...Oh who are we kidding?
My kid brother turned 16 yesterday-I'm not his mama and I still feel like that kid has just grown up way too fast! He has been living with us for the last few months and he has been (for the most part, there have been some teenager pms temper tantrums that I could live without) such a blast to have around!
He was more than willing to wear his birthday get-up I got for him that also included a grass skirt that you can't see.
Pictured here: Me, the birthday boy and a couple of the Appah boys-Jason and Parker. Tyler had just announced in his best King Julian impersonation-"Look at me, I'm a lady-which of you is attracted to me?" We were his response.
And this is for my mom-since she wasn't here to see him blow out his candles...Happy Birthday Tyler!
Note: On that pile of glob that is supposed to be his cake...don't knock it till you try it! It was probably the most delicious cake the world has ever known-even if it did turn out ugly!
It was a 3 layer german chocolate cake (that the sides were crumbly because of wax paper) with coconut and toffee frosting (he didn't want pecans-oh it was good! But it was pretty thin, so it didn't solve the crumbly side problem and just ran off the cake into a puddle around it) and a chocolate and sweetened condensed milk topping (which on top of the already drooping cake just made it look like a molten cake or something-whatev, it was divine!.
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