Sunday, May 17, 2009

Inside the Box

Chad spent his only few free hours this week building the kids this sandbox, it's so great to have a hubby so handy...
...Jason came and helped him fill it up with wonderful sand. Thanks Jason!
My kids L-O-V-E it!
Now we need to figure out how to cover it up at night, and those few minutes each day when the kids are not in it.
We're thinking a tarp with grommets and hooks-does anyone else have a better idea?
We have a cat problem in our yard anyway, before we put up this giant temptation.
(I am not a cat person, especially since my last encounter with having one as a pet, it attacked me when I was pregnant with Christopher. I was bleeding from head to toe, Bekah got scratched in the process and I had to get a tetnas shot it was so bad. I have bad scars to prove it!
Then since we moved here, there are strays and neighbor cats who think our yard is their personal litter box. My kids have stepped in it, and one of our friends kids picked it up and ate some, so I have some problems with the dang cats.
I have considered lacing some tuna with anti-freeze...I won't do it, but the thought has crossed my mind, and made me smile a little.
(I apologize to those who do love cats, I have loved cats in the past, my own cats , that were cute cuddly kittens to begin with, I don't think of these cats as once being cute cuddly kittens, just obnoxious, pooping, rodents.))

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