Woohoo! Yesterday was hard, but today has been much easier knowing that I am so close to being done. Tomorrow is actually the last day we are doing the lemonade, salt water flush and herbal tea, on Wednesday we are going to straight orange juice. Thursday oj and pureed vegetable soup and hopefully by Friday oj, salad and some more of the soup. We want to be able to eat while we are in Utah.
We are planning on leaving on Friday, if Chad sells 10 more cases by then-which isn't that many, but he's hit a bit of a rough patch. He's working his butt off though, and he just needs to get through enough of the no's to get to all the yes's, right?(Actually he isn't getting many no's-it's just more 'maybe laters', and just actually getting to talk to the doctors-everyone who tries it, loves it!) I have faith in him, I know he can do it! He is still staying positive and still loves it, and is working sooo hard. I am so proud of him, he is just the greatest.
Still, if any of you chiropractors want some of the best stuff for your patients-PLEASE-contact him! And any of you chiropractic students (and their wives!), go to the bookstore and buy some for yourselves, or tell the clinic that you want to see it there,-you won't be sorry! If you just have a chiropractor and want some for yourselves, let us know who they are, so Chad can use you as a referral! I want to leave Friday so bad-I can't wait to see everyone, and having a whole other Saturday will be great!