Monday, December 1, 2008

No Place Like Home for the Holidays

I know cheesy title-but it's true-I miss my family more than I thought I did! We were all so excited to go see everyone and have a yummy meal-and of course go shopping on black Friday at a real store! (We are not Wal-Mart lovers). We got to my mom's Wednesday evening and came home Sunday afternoon. A perfect weekend.The girls all went out and saw Twilight and the boys all went out to see Quantum of Solace on Wednesday night. I liked it-not as well as the book for sure, but it was an entertaining couple of hours. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with everything you could think of and we ate it for the rest of the weekend with no complaints from anyone. My sister and her husband (and their dogs) and my Aunt Kim all came too. It was just such a relaxed and happy holiday. We all had such a nice time.Jim had just put away all the turkey (in Tupperware-he didn't eat it all, it just looked that way, so I took a picture for a laugh). I made simple place cards this year-because I was so burned out from making my in-laws Christmas presents the week before! The cards worked fine, and I wonder why I always put so much time and effort into the more elaborate ones, simple looked kind of elegant.
This little twerp above-my kid brother, Tyler is taller than me! I was the tallest in the family forever, and even when I saw him last, I was still an inch taller, and that was in September! He is only 15-and is obviously still growing, I wonder how tall he will get. My dad was 6'6", let's hope Ty stops well before then!Chad and I got all of our Christmas shopping done on Friday at Target-so that feels good, the Target card feels a little weighed down though!
We were going through the line and I asked the girl checking us out what was the most money someone had spent that day in her lane and she said the most was in the 400's. As she said that our total was still rapidly climbing and was well over 600 at that point-she said 'I guess you guys are winning!'
I guess it will only get worse as the kids get older too huh?
Who's idea was it to have so many kids anyway? Just kidding.
Good thing it only comes once a year eh?

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